Average Download And Upload Speed For Ps3

Average Download And Upload Speed For Ps3

Typical Download And Upload Speeds

Average Download And Upload Speed For Ps3

Average Upload Speed For Internet

This is for those who are not ready to give up on their PS3. The problem with PS3 is it has the 802.11b/g wifi card which is limited and slow. After doing network tests it only gave me at most 5mbps upload and download speed. It is good for netflix, but if you want to stream media from your DLNA server it is not fast enough for HD content. There are few options to speed up the network speed on the PS3. Connect it directly to the router with a ethernet wire, wire up the PS3 to a second wifi router that supports faster speeds, connect it using ethernet over coaxial or power lines. I didn't want to run any wires i chose to use a 802.1n router with DD-WRT to create a wireless adapter. This instructable will work with any router that has dd-wrt installed on it.
To be able to set this up you would need a router with DD-WRT installed, to have some networking knowledge and is comfortable logging in to the router and changing/trouble shooting its settings.
If you have a router which does not have DD-WRT installed then here is a great instructable on how to install it on WRT-54G router and it should work on most supported routers.
Here is a list of DD-WRT supported devices
Here is my device list, but this instuctable should work with any router with the dd-wrt firmware.
My main home router that is connected to the cable modem is
Asus rt-n66r with stock firmware
The router that I used for the wifi adapter is D-Link D600 with dd-wrt
I also used TP-Link TL-WR702N which worked but gave me lower speed then the DLINK
1xEthernet cable
Computer to setup the router as an adapter before connecting it to the PS3
You will need 5 Unique IP address that are not in the DHCP range and are not used by any other machine on the network.

Average Download And Upload Speed

  1. Almost every speed test site tests for download speed, upload speed, and the ping rate. The upload rate is always lower than the download rate. The upload rate is always lower than the download rate. This is a configuration set by the local cable carrier — it is not dependent on the user’s bandwidth or Internet speed.
  2. In April 2014, the average speed was just 23.9Mbps. This jump in speed moves the United States to 27 th in average download speed out of 199 counties; globally the. To determine the averages for broadband download and upload, we first average one hour’s worth of test results for each unique IP to get the IP Averages. Affiliate links.

Average Download And Upload Speeds Mbps

The most recent average US download speed from Ookla Speedtest for March 2014, is 33.9Mbps (these numbers are Broadband only, no Mobile tests are included). In April 2014, the average speed was just 23.9Mbps. This jump in speed moves the United States to 27 th in average download speed out of 199.