Download Star Wars The Phantom Menace Pc Game Free

Platforms:PC, PlayStation
Developer:Big Ape Productions
Genres:3D Shooter / Third-Person Shooter
Release Date:May 19, 1999
Game Modes:Singleplayer
  1. Download Star Wars The Phantom Menace Pc Game Free Full
  2. Jake Lloyd
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  5. Star Wars The Phantom Menace Characters

A long time ago, in a dopey third-person shooter based on the Star Wars license…

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It doesn’t take much play time to realize that Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was a console game that got ported on the computer. It was supposedly developed as a dual platform title, but it’s apparent that the Playstation’s relatively meager power and simple controls were the major driving force behind the game’s development. That wouldn’t necessarily be a terrible thing if the game didn’t just stink outright.

Reasons for this are multiple, but it mainly boils down to crappy controls and the god-awful level design. Some levels are linear action romps where you whack the attack button a lot and replay jumping puzzles ad nauseum. The lightsaber battles are simple, as are the woefully simplistic shooting bits. There are moments when, if the levels aren’t annoying you to into rage-quitting, they are boring you to tears. It was a tie vote between the jumping puzzles and sitting through a Jar Jar Binks/Fran Drescher production of Waiting for Godot. For instance, be prepared to spend the better part of an evening hopping across sinking platforms in one insidious room of Naboo’s undersea city, then enjoying the long cutscenes which you cannot skip.

As if to make up for forcing you to endure jumping puzzles, the game offers lightsaber battles as a distraction. However cinematic and nicely animated they might be, lightsaber combat is hampered by the goofy controls and inability to dodge fire effectively, making it unavoidable that your character slowly bleeds hit points. The gunplay is even more dull, although there are some nifty bombs and a non-lethal “Force push” to stun your enemies. Other times the game plays like a crappy RPG, like when you drill through dialogue trees and run little quests like you’re Jedi FedEx.

* * *

Phantom Menace marches in lockstep with the movie, plot point for plot point. Although there are no real surprises if you’ve seen the movie (and who hasn’t?), there are some moderately engaging detours along the way. You get to run around Coruscant (which looks suspiciously like The Fifth Element’s New York City), strike a deal with Jabba the Hutt, talk to everyone and their uncle in Mos Espa, and float around in some of those Gungan fishbowl globes.

The graphics are a mix of cool and meh, particularly the low-poly character animations, but they get the job done and they’re PlayStation friendly. Hands down, the explosions seen as droids fall into a hundred pieces are very satisfying the first few times. The particle effects are great, and also the sound, from the music to the ambient noise to the voicework. Curiously enough, the most grating characters from the movie are voiced by their actual actors: Jar Jar, Watto, and Anakin will all sound familiar. But neither Liam Neeson nor Ewan MacGregor sound anything like the real deal.

In the first two thirds of the game, you play one of the Jedi (always conveniently separated from each other) for long stretches at a time. But there are some curious narrative shifts later in the game which are pretty jarring. For instance, it’s not particularly exciting to play Panaka, especially since this is one of the escort levels in which you have to defend a character who wanders around as oblivious as Mr. Magoo. The simple combat interface makes the climactic Darth Maul battle merely tedious, although it certainly looks good enough that you won’t mind having to replay it the first twenty times.

System Requirements: Pentium II 233 MHz, 32 MB RAM, Win95

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Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (pc game)
5 out of 5 (8 votes)
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The Force is NOT strong with this one

Like the movie this is based on, this game is a far cry from the best that the Star Wars universe can deliver, and falls a long way short of classic titles like X-Wing or Dark Forces. It's a pretty bad game by any standards, being bland and lacking in thrills, with some of the blame being laid firmly on the shoulders of its inspiration and some just on unimaginative design choices. The plot here follows the movie quite closely and tells a stripped down version of the convoluted tale of the disturbance in the Force, a besieged planet and the tragic fall of a great hero. The gameplay here is a variation on the classic third person adventure, where you'll explore various environments based on those seen in the film, while battling familiar enemies and solving the occasional puzzle. You get to play as a few different characters from the film, which adds a bit of appeal, but mostly this is a case of running around, whacking bad guys with your light saber or blasting them from afar with a laser gun. This is perhaps one of the worst uses of the Star Wars license and is up there with Yoda Stories and Rebellion in terms of lack of quality. The visuals might have looked good back in the day, but have aged poorly and now just look ugly. The gameplay too is just overly simplistic and very repetitive, with unexciting combat and bland level design, while enemies are just lacking in intelligence. There are also issues with the camera and the controls, while puzzles are just as unsatisfying as the combat, thus making this a game to avoid and pretend it doesn't even exist.

Jake Lloyd

Action in which you embody many SW characters

One of the best features of this otherwise classic, prescriptive action game is that you will play as Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jin, will play as the Queen Amidala and also a captaion named Panaka. Quite a roaster of characters right there. Sure, playing as the dark, heavy breathing dark lord would have been nice, but well, I guess they had to have some antiheroes there as well! So, it's going to be all about action, in scenarios reminiscent of the feature movie of the same name. Thus, you will really be able to have a go at it, to really get to see through the eyes of those characters that I noted above, as you race from level through level to meet your tasks. Don't worry, while action is the focus, there is also enough dialogue and other ways to relate to the world of the game, from puzzle solving to some other bits that really stand out. You'll also get to see landmarks of the movie series, planet Naboo, Tatooine, through Coruscant and beyond. A truly diverse game, one for true fans of Star Wars, and for those that love an action packed adventure, with an emphasis on the action bits! Alternatively, see the shooter Dark Forces, which is more focused on first person action from behind a hefty gun, than anything else, while also true to the Star Wars legacy!
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