Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification

  1. Execute Batch File Remotely
  2. Execute Batch File From Cmd
  3. Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification 2017
  4. Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification System Tray
  5. Windows Execute Batch File

Batch file: search file system for specific folders and execute a command for every hit Hot Network Questions Find the probability of success in the first least 20 consecutive attempts. How to Create a Batch File that will Automatically Run as Administrator. Hopefully I have got two ideas to create a batch file that will run as administrator itself without the need of another instruction or file. Both methods works differently. Review the settings and hit Build EXE. Give the file a name and click Save. Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Agent. Use Powershell to execute a TFS. I'm just hoping there's an obvious TFS build. Get control over the Build Output Part 14: Execute a PowerShell script. Hi stars123, Here are the step by step process. Hope it will sovle your problem. I would recommend to keep the batch file on build server, if you wish. This entry was posted in.Net and tagged How to run batch file after TFS build. Can you send me xaml template that does this batch file execute i have batch file to. Deployment scripts are BAT or CMD files that copy your build to the. After a specific build, I want to run a batch file which has TF.exe commands which do the following: Check out a DLL Copy one of the 'freshly built dlls' over top of the checked out DLL, then check it back in. 2 Responses to How to run batch file after TFS build. Prashant says: February 9, 2014 at 11:43 am. Hi Chan, Can you send me xaml template that does this batch file execute i have batch file to be executed on remote server after TFS build and publish website. Please email me to vi2psn@yahoo.com. Thanks, Prashant.

Active8 years, 5 months ago

After a specific build, I want to run a batch file which has TF.exe commands which do the following:Check out a DLL Copy one of the 'freshly built dlls' over top of the checked out DLL,then check it back in.

I tried setting up an InvokeProcess build activity to run the batch file, but it gets a permissions error when trying to execute the batch file.

I realize that I can and probably should do this with PowerShell, however, I dont want the headache of signing right now.Any suggestions on doing this correctly?


3 Answers

Execute Batch File Remotely

Probably going to get doink for this answer, but you should not be checking in built DLLs into a source repository, as you cannot version them. There is no 'delta' operation.

Having said that, there are a couple of ways I can think of that might at least get you in the direction you are looking at. A PostBuild step to copy is an option (NOTE: When you use this type of option, all user's will have to have the DLLs on the same relative location as you do, but you already have chewed off that bite most likely).

You will have to handle the check out and check in through another process, but services or PowerShell both might be an option (although you don't want the headache).

It has been some time, but working with some type of CI methodology could be another option to explore. MS now has CI available in TFS, but there are other options, like Cruise Control .NET.

Batch file execute command

Execute Batch File From Cmd

Gregory A BeamerGregory A Beamer
15.2k3 gold badges21 silver badges29 bronze badges

I'm not understanding why you can't simply perform the operations in your batch file from MSBuild. For example, items can be checked out, and in, from TFS by executing the TfsSource task from the MSBuild Extension Pack.

Ed ChaparroEd Chaparro

You can also do this by creating Custom Activities for Checkout and Checkin and use Invoke Process for Copy the Dll's. Check this link for Checkout, Checkin custom activities: http://www.ewaldhofman.nl/post/2010/05/13/Customize-Team-Build-2010-e28093-Part-5-Increase-AssemblyVersion.aspx


Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification 2017

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Active1 year, 8 months ago

My post build command is

And getting build error:

Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification System Tray

Error 1 The command 'call C:MyProjectMyFile.bat' exited with code 1. C:Program Files (x86)MSBuild12.0binMicrosoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 4548 5

What am I missing here? Working on TFS source code, is that the reason getting this error?

For testing in MyFile.bat the only code is mkdir MYTestFolder, but then I am also getting the same error.

Peter Mortensen
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6,09838 gold badges145 silver badges278 bronze badges
Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Notification

2 Answers

It seems like the syntax of the call is correct. Therefore I believe it's failing inside the batch file. I suggest putting the first few lines of the batch to write the time into a log file, so you can confirm it's being called. Do this before any of the actual work, so it can be sure that the batch is being executed.


Peter Mortensen
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3,3396 gold badges36 silver badges46 bronze badges

It is the code inside the batch file that is failing - what is it doing?

You have a few options:

a - I would use process monitor and watch process exits and see the status codes of whatever the batch file launches.

b - You could also try running the batch file from the same folder as msbuild and see if you get any errors


Ed ElliottEd Elliott

Windows Execute Batch File

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