Free Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp Programs


Tidak bisa dipisahkan dari program sekolah/madrasah. Dari jumlah tersebut, jumlah SD RSBI tercatat sebanyak 195 sekolah, SMP. Pendidikan sekolah/madrasah unggulan SBI. Sekolah: SMP Negeri 1 Maros-SMP Negeri 1 Maros Siapa Yang Tidak kenal SMP yang kerap di sebut Spansa Itu di. Di SMP Negeri 1 Maros pada awal 2006 diterima menjadi siswa Spansa di Kelas VII 3,kelas yang sudah masuk kategori kelas unggulan setelah VII 1 dan VII 2,pada. Abdhi Griffindors Blog AbdhiRoid Designed by download free, software.

School Nutrition Programs |Manuals |Forms |Resources |Nutrition Education

  1. The links below provide information on federal and state requirements and guidance for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) school nutrition programs, including the School Breakfast Program (SBP), National School Lunch Program (NSLP), Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP, Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).
  2. PROFIL DAN PROGRAM UNGGULAN SEKOLAH AT-TAUFIQ TKIT At Taufiq Tujuan pendidikan di TKIT At Taufiq adalah mengembangkan berbagai potensi yang dianugerahkan Allah SWT kepada setiap anak dengan membekali dasar-dasar aqidah, ibadah, ahlakul karimah, pengetahuan dan kecakapan hidup (life skill) sehingga menjadi pribadi yang matang bersekolah, senang.
  3. Implementasi Program Kelas Unggulan di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus, Tesis, Pembimbing I, Prof. Budiyono, M.Sc., II, Dr. Nunuk Suryani, M.Pd., Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pemerintah agar setiap tahunnya menambah jumlah sekolah yang diberi program SSN. (4) program kelas.

The links below provide information on federal and state requirements and guidance for the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) school nutrition programs, including theSchool Breakfast Program (SBP), National School Lunch Program (NSLP), Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP, Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).



  • Accommodating Special Diets (see Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Action Guide for School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies (CSDE)
  • Administrative Review for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Afterschool Snack Program (CSDE)
  • Alternatives to Food Rewards (CSDE)
  • Area Eligibility for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • At-risk Afterschool Meals (CSDE)
  • Authorized Signature Change Form (CSDE)
    • Authorized Signature Change Form Instructions (CSDE)


  • Best Practices Sharing Center Opens in a new window (USDA
  • Beverage Requirements (CSDE)
  • Breakfast (see School Breakfast Program)
  • Business Managers (see Key Information for Connecticut School Business Officials About School Nutrition Programs)
  • Buy American Provision
    • Buy American Factsheet (USDA)
    • Buy American Justification Form (CSDE)
    • USDA Memo SP 38-2017 Opens in a new window: Compliance with and Enforcement of the Buy American Provision in the NSLP


  • Calendar of School Nutrition Program Requirements and Activities (CSDE)
  • Celebrations (see Healthy Celebrations)
  • Charging Meals (see Unpaid Meal Charges Opens in a new window)
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program (CSDE)
  • Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling(USDA)
    • CN Labeling Program (CSDE)
  • Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Child Nutrition Sharing Site (ICN)
  • Civil Rights for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Claim Submission Schedule for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Claims Preparers (see Key Information for Connecticut Claims Preparers for School Nutrition Programs)
  • CNP Online System (Agreements and Claims)
  • Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) (CSDE)
  • Comparison Charts
    • Comparison of the Connecticut Nutrition Standards and the USDA's Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards (CSDE)
    • Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)
    • Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for Preschool and Grades K-12 in the Afterschool Snack Program of the NSLP (CSDE)
    • Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for Preschool and Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
    • Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for the Grains Component in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
    • Comparison of Meal Pattern Requirements for the Milk Component in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Competitive Foods in Schools (CSDE)
    • Connecticut Competitive Foods Regulations (CSDE)
  • Connecticut General Statutes for foods and beverages
  • Connecticut Grown for Connecticut Kids Week (see Farm to School)
  • Connecticut Nutrition Standards (CSDE)
  • Contact Information for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
    • Child Nutrition Staff and Responsibilities (CSDE)
    • Connecticut Education Directory (Public educational organizations in Connecticut)
    • Connecticut NSLP and SBP Sponsors CSDE)
    • Connecticut State Department of Education Staff Directory (CSDE)
    • County Assignments for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Contracts with Food Service Management Companies (see Food Service Management Company)
  • Crediting Foods for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Crediting Juice for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
  • Crediting Juice for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)


  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans (USDA)
  • Disclosure Requirements for the Child Nutrition Programs (USDA Memo SP 16-2016, CACFP 06-2016, SFSP 10-2016) Opens in a new window
    • Disclosure Release Request for Free or Reduced Eligibility Status (CSDE)
  • Direct Certification for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Donating Foods (CSDE Operational Memo 14-2012)


  • Eligibility for Free and Reduced-price Meals and Milk in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Eligibility Manual for School Meals (USDA)
  • Equipment Purchase Prior Approval Process (CSDE)
  • Evaluating Foods for Compliance with the Connecticut Nutrition Standards (CSDE)
  • Exemption Requests
    • Lunch Period Waiver: See CSDE Circular Letter C-9: Federal and State Requirements for Provision and Timeframe of Daily Lunch Period for Students
    • Weekend or Vacation Waiver: See FNS 786-7 Rev. 2: Reimbursement for Meals and Milk Served on Weekends


  • Farm to School (CSDE) (Also see Put Local on Your Tray (UCONN))
  • Federal Register Documents for School Meals Opens in a new window (final rules and proposed rules)
  • FNS Instructions (CSDE)
  • Food and Beverage List (see List of Acceptable Foods and Beverages)
  • Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs (USDA)
  • Food Buying Guide Online Calculator Opens in a new window (USDA)
  • Food Rewards (see Alternatives to Food Rewards)
  • Food Safety for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Food Labeling (FDA)
  • Food Service Management Company (CSDE)
  • Forms for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Free and Reduced-price Meals (see Eligibility for Free and Reduced-price Meals and Milk in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) (CSDE)
  • Fruits Component (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Fundraising with Foods and Beverages
    • Healthy Fundraising (CSDE)
    • Requirements for Fundraisers in HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for Fundraisers in Non-HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for Fundraisers in Private Schools and RCCIs(CSDE)
    • Sample Fundraiser Form for HFC Public Schools (CSDE)


  • Gardens: School Gardening (USDA)
  • Geographic Preference (see Farm to School)
  • Grains Component (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
    • Calculation Methods for Grain Ounce Equivalents for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
    • Calculation Methods for Grain Servings for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)
    • Grain Ounce Equivalents for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
    • Grain Serving Sizes for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)
    • Whole Grain-rich Criteria for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
    • Whole Grain-rich Criteria for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)
    • Whole Grain Resource for the NSLP and SBP Opens in a new window (USDA)
  • Guides (see Manuals and Guides for Child Nutrition Programs)


  • Healthcare for UninSured Kids and Youth (HUSKY)
  • Healthy Celebrations (CSDE)
  • Healthy Food Certification (CSDE)
  • Hiring Standards (see Professional Standards for School Nutrition Professionals)
  • Homeless Liaison Catalog (CSDE)


  • Income Guidelines for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Indirect Cost Guidance Opens in a new window (USDA)
  • Implementation Timeline for NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns (CSDE)
  • Interschool Agreements (see Forms for School Nutrition Programs)


  • Juice
    • Crediting Juice for Preschool Meals in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)


  • Laws for Competitive Foods (see Competitive Foods in Schools)
  • Laws and Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Legislation for School Meals (USDA)
  • List of Acceptable Foods and Beverages (CSDE)
  • Lunch Periods (Required Time)
    • CSDE Circular Letter C-9: Federal and State Requirements for Provision and Timeframe of Daily Lunch Period for Students
    • CSDE Operational Memorandum No. 10-19: Requirements for Lunch Periods in the NSLP


  • Manuals and Guides for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Meal Counting and Claiming for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Meal Pattern Training for School Nutrition Programs (Grades K-12) (CSDE)
  • Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Meal Patterns for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Meat/Meat Alternates Component (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Medical Statements (see Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning Guide for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning Guide for School Meals for Grades K-12 (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning for the NSLP (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning for the SBP (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning Resources for School Meals (CSDE)
  • Menu Planning Worksheets (see USDA Meal Pattern Compliance Worksheets)
  • Milk Component (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Milk Substitutes for Children without Disabilities in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • MyPlate Opens in a new window (USDA)


  • National School Lunch Program (NSLP) (CSDE)
  • Noncreditable Foods for Grades K-12 in the ASP (CSDE)
  • Noncreditable Foods for Grades K-12 in the NSLP and SBP (CSDE)
  • Noncreditable Foods for Preschoolers in the NSLP, SBP, and ASP (CSDE)
  • Nondiscrimination Statements (USDA and CSDE)
  • Nonprogram Foods
    • Nonprogram Pricing Worksheet: Adult Meals (CSDE)
    • Nonprogram Pricing Worksheet: A La Carte Sales (CSDE)
    • Nonprogram Revenue Calculator (USDA)
    • Nonprogram Revenue Tool for Five-day Reference Period (Kansas Department of Education)
    • NSLP Regulations 7 CFR 210.14 (f): Revenue from Non-Program Foods
    • USDA Memo SP 20-2016: Nonprofit School Food Service Account Nonprogram Food Revenue Requirements
    • USDA Memo SP 13-2014: School Food Service Account Revenue from the Sale of Nonprogram Foods
    • USDA Memo SP 39-2011: Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010: Guidance on Paid Lunch Equity and Revenue from Nonprogram Foods
  • Nutrition Education (CSDE)
  • Nutrition Education Resources (see Resources for Child Nutrition Programs)
  • Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods (see Connecticut Nutrition Standards and Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards)
    • Comparison Chart of USDA Smart Snacks and Connecticut Nutrition Standards (CSDE)
  • Nutrition Standards for CACFP Meals and Snacks (USDA)
  • Nutrition Standards for School Meals Opens in a new window (USDA )


  • Online Agreements and Claiming (see CNP Online System)
  • Offer versus Serve for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Operational Memoranda for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)


  • Paid Lunch Equity
  • Paid Lunch Price Report (USDA Memo SP 12-2017)
  • Policy Memos for School Meals: NSLP, SBP and SMP (USDA)
  • Policies on School Wellness (see School Wellness Policies)
  • Policies on Special Diets (see Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Position Statement on a Coordinated Approach to School Health (CSDE)
  • Position Statement on Nutrition and Physical Activity (CSDE)
  • Preschool Meal Patterns (see Meal Patterns for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Procedural Safeguards: Requirements for Procedural Safeguards for Meal Modifications in School Nutrition Programs
  • Procurement for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Product Formulation Statements (CSDE)
  • Production Records for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Professional Standards for School Nutrition Professionals (CSDE)
  • Put Local On Your Tray (UCONN)


  • Qualified Food Operator (QFO) Responsibilities for Connecticut Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Questions and Answers
    • USDA Memo SP 38-2017: Opens in a new window Buy American Provision in the NSLP
    • USDA Memo SP 37-2017 Opens in a new window: Flexibility for Co-Mingled Preschool Meals
    • USDA Memo SP 26-2017 Opens in a new window: Accommodating Disabilities in the School Meal Programs
    • USDA Memo SP 23-2017: Opens in a new window Unpaid Meal Charges
    • USDA Memo 54-2016 Opens in a new window: Community Eligibility Provision
    • USDA Memo SP 10-2014 CACFP 05-2014 SFSP 10-2014 (v3) Opens in a new window: Crediting of Smoothies in Child Nutrition Programs
    • USDA Memo SP 07-2010 CACFP 04-2010 SFSP 05-2010: Milk Substitution for Children with Medical or Special Dietary Needs
    • USDA Memo SP 10-2017 SFSP 06-2017: Meal Service Requirements in the Summer Meal Programs
    • USDA Memo SP 09-2017: NSLP Seamless Summer Option (SSO)
    • USDA Memo SP 39-2011 Opens in a new window: Paid Lunch Equity (PLE)
    • USDA Memo SP 38-2016 Opens in a new window: Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs Personnel
    • USDA Memo SP 05-2017 Opens in a new window: Purchasing Goods and Services Using Cooperative Agreements, Agents, and Third-Party Services
    • USDA Memo SP 31-2013: Salad Bars in the NSLP
    • USDA Memo SP 26-2014 Opens in a new window: Certification of Compliance with NSLP Meal Requirements
    • USDA Memo SP 10-2012 (v9): USDA School Meal Patterns
    • USDA Memo SP 13-2008: Vending Machines in the School Meal Programs


  • Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs (see Laws and Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs)
  • Regulations for the NSLP (USDA)
  • Regulations for School Meals (USDA)
  • Reimbursement Rates for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Requirements for Public Schools Not Implementing HFC (CSDE)
  • Requirements for Competitive Foods (see Competitive Foods in Schools)
  • Requirements for School Meals (see Meal Patterns for Grades K-12 in School Nutrition Programs and Meal Patterns for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
    • FNS Instructions (see FNS Instructions)
    • Operational Memoranda (see Operational Memoranda for School Nutrition Programs)
  • Resources for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Resources for Healthy Foods and Beverages in Schools (CSDE)


Free Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp Programs

  • Salad Bars in the NSLP (USDA Memo SP 31-2013)
  • School Breakfast Program (SBP) (CSDE)
  • School Gardens (see School Gardening)
  • School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • School Stores
    • Requirements for School Stores in HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for School Stores in Non-HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for School Stores in Private Schools and RCCIs (CSDE)
  • School Wellness Policies (CSDE)
  • Six Cents Certification for Meal Pattern Compliance (see USDA Meal Pattern Compliance Worksheets)
  • Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP (CSDE)
  • Share Tables (CSDE Operational Memo No. 06-16)
  • Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards (CSDE)
  • Smarter Lunchrooms (CSDE)
  • Smoothies (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Meal Patterns for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Sodium
    • Sodium Reduction Timeline for NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns (CSDE)
    • USDA Memo SP 18-2018 CACFP 13-2018: Child Nutrition Programs’ Flexibilities for School Year 2018-2019
    • USDA Memo SP 15-2017: Flexibility for the Target 2 Sodium Requirements for School Year 2017-2018
  • Special Diets in School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
  • Special Diets Policies (CSDE)
  • Special Milk Program (CSDE)
  • Standardized Recipe Form (CSDE)
  • State Board of Education Position Statements (CSDE)
  • State Laws (seeLaws and Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs)
  • Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) (CSDE)
  • Summer Meals on the Move (CSDE)


  • Team Nutrition Opens in a new window (USDA)
  • Time for Lunch (see Lunch Periods (Required Time))
  • Training (see Meal Pattern Training for School Nutrition Programs (Grades K-12) and Professional Standards for School Nutrition Professionals)


  • Unpaid Meal Charges Opens in a new window (USDA)
  • USDA Foods (see Food Distribution Program)
  • USDA Meal Pattern Compliance Worksheets (see Certification of Meal Pattern Compliance)
  • USDA Policy Memoranda (see Policy Memos for School Meals Opens in a new window)
  • USDA NSLP Regulations (see Regulations for the NSLP)


  • Vegetable Subgroups (CSDE)
  • Vegetables Component (see Crediting Foods in School Nutrition Programs or Crediting Foods for Preschoolers in School Nutrition Programs)
  • Vending Machines
    • Requirements for Vending Machines in HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for Vending Machines in Non-HFC Public Schools (CSDE)
    • Requirements for Vending Machines in Private Schools and RCCIs (CSDE)
    • USDA Memo SP 24-2016: FDA Requirements for Vending Machines
    • USDA Memo SP 13-2008: Use of Vending Machines in the School Meal Programs
  • Verification Procedures for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE)


  • Waivers (see Exemption Requests)
  • Water Availability
    • USDA Memo SP 19-2018: Clarification on the Milk and Water Requirements in the School Meal Programs
    • USDA Memo SP 49-2016 CACFP 18-2016: Resources for Making Potable Water Available in Schools and Child Care Facilities
  • Wellness Policies (see School Wellness Policies)
  • What's for Breakfast: Meeting the SBP meal pattern requirements for grades K-12 (see Meal Pattern Training for School Nutrition Programs)
  • What's for Lunch: Meeting the NSLP meal pattern requirements for grades K-12 (see Meal Pattern Training for School Nutrition Programs)
  • Whole Grain-rich Requirements (see Grains Component)
  • Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (CSDE)

Free Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp Programs With Linkage

Free Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp Programs

Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp


Free Program Unggulan Sekolah Smp Programs Medical School

  • Yield Study Data Form (CSDE)