Skyrim Undo Patch 1.9

  1. Wow Patch 1 9
  2. Skyrim Undo Patch Crack
  3. Skyrim 1.9 Patch
  4. Skyrim Undo Patch 1.9 Download
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Wow Patch 1 9

Question for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I want to delete the patch 1.9 to do more stuff but I'm afraid that if I erase it I would have to start over again.(I don't have the disc I download the game from xbox live) so can I still erase the patch and play as normal. Is Skyrim on PS3 fixed by the 1.9 patch? Update Cancel. A d by EverQuote. You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Unfortunately for the players of Skyrim, the 1.9 patch was the last one. Related Questions.

  • after legendary'ing' my speech several times over, the Investor and Master Trader perks no longer function properly (i.e. there is no investment option and their gold does not increase.) also, it seems that i am no longer able to marry anyone in the game regardless of having fulfulled the reuirements. another issue is now that i am lvl. 227 all potion i create are 1.25 million in strength (i.e. poison does 1.25 mil in damage, invis potions last 1.25 mil seconds, ans so on.) why can't bethesda just get it right, i have had so many run ins with game breaking bugs is laughable almost ( but not really) seriously do they even play these games themselves to any degree?? anyhow, anyone with help on this topic would be much appreciated.

    Frustrated TES fan.

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    • To be honest, their repsonse to something like this would be something like if you want to grind a certain skill loads, then it is your choice, so any resultant glitches was your fault.

      But I agree with you, there are many game-breaking things that still needs sorting such as the ones you have higlighted. Did you by any chance use the Restoration glitch, because that would have been my first theory to your godly poisons.

      I think Bethesda won't really look into this, because it isn't an issue to many people, plus most people won't really get to that sort of level and still be doing many quests, mainly becuase that kind of level is basically 'end-game' worthy.


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    • Ever since the 1.9 patch, a glitch that i've only begun to encounter is failing to reanimate corpses. I use Dread Zombie on a corpse and said corpse will glow blue but will remain dead.

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    • If making skills legendary is too overpowered for your liking then dont do it, Simple as that.

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    • The legendary skill system has been made badly. A better system would have been to cap the player level at 120, after mastering every legendary skill over once each. Right now players may be up to level 200 something, facing dragons that increase with 50-100 health per level-up you gain, while your level only gains 10 health per level-up (and only if you spend all points in health only). Try not to remaster too often.

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    • 1.9 didn't even fix all the bugs Bethesda claims it did, but it aded new bugs. Makes sense

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    • A bug I have is that when I use a spell in one hand, my empty left hand is also raised. Game breaking? No. Annoying? Yes.

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    • ReaperGrimm5594 wrote:
      A bug I have is that when I use a spell in one hand, my empty left hand is also raised. Game breaking? No. Annoying? Yes.

      If you equip a one handed spell to your right hand (such as Firebolt) only for example, your empty left handwill raise as well(but in a fist), as both hands go up when you cast a single spell.

      You can either stop using spells all together that require one hand, use two spells at once, or equip a one handed weapon to your empty hand.

      The game isn't breaking as I have used spells such as Transmute with a single hand and my opposite hand will go up. To even confirm this, I asked my father to try it as well, to which his left hand raised itself as a fist while he had Firebolt in his right.

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    • ReaperGrimm5594 wrote:A bug I have is that when I use a spell in one hand, my empty left hand is also raised. Game breaking? No. Annoying? Yes.

      That's not a bug. Well, unless you mean you're holding your palm outwards as if actually casting a spell. But if your other hand just simply comes up, then like I said, it isn't a bug.

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    • In my opinion--Oghma Infinium fix aside, as I'm biased against that particular fix--they really did not think the Legendary skill system through clearly enough. What they've essentially done is allowed skills to be reset to 15 and refunding the used perks.

      The problem I've encounrered (prior to my hard drive wipe) is the sheer amount you need to level your skills to reach another level after you've already hit level 82--I've ended up raising my Conjuration 20-odd some levels and not even halfway to leveling up.

      So, if the goal is to use the perks on another skill and earn the old perks back, you would have to grind entirely irrelevant skills and *stiil* fall short of the perks you want. At that point, you're better off comepleting the Dragonborn DLC and respeccing.

      It seems to me that the patch was largely counter-productive, for all the bug fixes.

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    • Me and several of my fellow players have suffered from a bug which causes the game to freeze when the character's head is submerged. It seems to activate whenever the underwater sounds begin, and makes the bard's college impossible to start, as yo uneed to drop in some water in the first area, The Thieves guild almost impossible to complete (eyes of the Falmer chamber) and the Drak brotherhood (Swimming out to the ship) and the Main questline (Septimus signis's Glacier) Water has become almost impossible to travers, we have to swim looking almost completely upwards, and swimmin is the most dangerous thing to do. We've dubbed it the Cold water bug, you can guess why.

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    • Daimyo of the East wrote:
      Me and several of my fellow players have suffered from a bug which causes the game to freeze when the character's head is submerged. It seems to activate whenever the underwater sounds begin, and makes the bard's college impossible to start, as yo uneed to drop in some water in the first area, The Thieves guild almost impossible to complete (eyes of the Falmer chamber) and the Drak brotherhood (Swimming out to the ship) and the Main questline (Septimus signis's Glacier) Water has become almost impossible to travers, we have to swim looking almost completely upwards, and swimmin is the most dangerous thing to do. We've dubbed it the Cold water bug, you can guess why.

      Are you on PS3? If so, if you didn't already know, deleting and re-installing the Skyrim's game data should fix that bug.

      If you're on Xbox or PC, well...

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    • I got the 1.9 Patch and every non-DLC item in my chests vanished, nothing, several million gold in ebony ingots, gone. Also did they REALLY have to fix the Oghma Inifinium? If you exploited it too soon you'd horribly disfigure the difficulty to the point of normal dragons slaughtering you in seconds. But at least it somehow fixed a pretty annoying glitch where feeding wouldn't reduce negative effects as a vampire, so being stuck at 25% of my total health, magicka, and stamina with no regen was pretty annoying, but now I can't get my other character to an appropriate level for what I have in mind for them: An epic showdown with Miraak at level 81.

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    • wrote:
      I got the 1.9 Patch and every non-DLC item in my chests vanished, nothing, several million gold in ebony ingots, gone. Also did they REALLY have to fix the Oghma Inifinium? If you exploited it too soon you'd horribly disfigure the difficulty to the point of normal dragons slaughtering you in seconds. But at least it somehow fixed a pretty annoying glitch where feeding wouldn't reduce negative effects as a vampire, so being stuck at 25% of my total health, magicka, and stamina with no regen was pretty annoying, but now I can't get my other character to an appropriate level for what I have in mind for them: An epic showdown with Miraak at level 81.

      You can always uninstall the patch and do the oghma inifinium glitch.

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    •, I assume I delete the Skyrim Title Update file in my X-box hard drive?

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    • I am level 55 and my exp is just crawling now. Anyone have any tips to level a little quicker?

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    • DRock1042 wrote:
      I am level 55 and my exp is just crawling now. Anyone have any tips to level a little quicker?

      Yes, you can use the Oghm- oh wait that's been patched...

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    • Bethesda is HUGE, The Elder Scrolls series itself is as big as it gets in the genre, it practically defines an entire genre of gaming. They took years to produce it, and it came out on established consoles Bethesda had plenty of experience on. There have apparently been 9 patches, yet in my household we went from calling it Skycrash to calling it Bugrim, and now it's simply called Bugcrash.

      With all that, what do you expect from their groundbreaking plans for the MMO coming to brand new consoles that noone has any experience with yet? There's just no way. It's gonna end up delayed till 2016.

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    • anyone think they will do anything with the Oblivion Walker thing not loading? I was going by this wiki of it and did all the quests and had 15 of the items and didn't get it. Playing on PC and afterwards tried reloading and redoing the last quest I had left: the Boethiah one.

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    • Anyone got any tips for this: After becomeing a werewolf in the Silver Hand quest I noticed the textures on a large amount of the items in game wasn't rendering properly (ex: elven shield looking almost black with very few details), Lot's of the equipment was shaded much darker and the details are less detailed. Playing on the PS3 with the Legendary Edition disk. btw the Theives Guild armor and Shrouded armor were both uneffected.

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    • wrote:
      Anyone got any tips for this: After becomeing a werewolf in the Silver Hand quest I noticed the textures on a large amount of the items in game wasn't rendering properly (ex: elven shield looking almost black with very few details), Lot's of the equipment was shaded much darker and the details are less detailed. Playing on the PS3 with the Legendary Edition disk. btw the Theives Guild armor and Shrouded armor were both uneffected.

      I think i have the same glitch. Sometimes when i play Skyrim, most things such as armor, weapons and ore can turn completely black, though it's not permanant.

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    • Lord Hadron wrote: wrote:
      Anyone got any tips for this: After becomeing a werewolf in the Silver Hand quest I noticed the textures on a large amount of the items in game wasn't rendering properly (ex: elven shield looking almost black with very few details), Lot's of the equipment was shaded much darker and the details are less detailed. Playing on the PS3 with the Legendary Edition disk. btw the Theives Guild armor and Shrouded armor were both uneffected.
      I think i have the same glitch. Sometimes when i play Skyrim, most things such as armor, weapons and ore can turn completely black, though it's not permanant.

      It's a common rendering bug, it'll stop in a couple minutes

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    • mabye it's your level? exactly how many times did you make that skill legendary?

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    • I don't plan on making anything legendary, no point. Plus I am afraid of bugs.

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    • DRock1042 wrote:
      I don't plan on making anything legendary, no point. Plus I am afraid of bugs.

      If you're afraid of bugs, then playing Skyrim must be a living nightmare for you.

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    • ReaperGrimm5594 wrote:
      A bug I have is that when I use a spell in one hand, my empty left hand is also raised. Game breaking? No. Annoying? Yes.

      The empty hand has always been raised when using either spells or weapons.

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    • Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?

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    • wrote:
      Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?

      PS3 version is flawed, learn from your mistakes.

      DON'T ever buy a Bethesda game for PS3, EVER. AGAIN.

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    • wrote:
      Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?

      don't you have a save just after that, just before Hadvar asks who you are? I thought it was common knowledge to save there.

      Also you could try uninstalling then reinstalling the game data.

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    • blackguards hood still glitching giving me a bald patch on ps3

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    • wrote:
      blackguards hood still glitching giving me a bald patch on ps3

      keep it

      it can let you equip litterally any other headpiece, hell my character had four headpieces at one time because of that, and they covered up the bald spot

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    • wrote:
      Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?

      It happens on my PS3 too, right when I'm about to get executed. I personally think that it's just the model of the PS3 (I have the old, big ones that came out first) but I can play it on my brother's PS3 (Which is the most recent 5000MB PS3) I think it's a flaw. The last time that I've played it on my PS3 was probably around the 1.4 or 1.5 update.

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    • wrote: wrote:
      Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?
      It happens on my PS3 too, right when I'm about to get executed. I personally think that it's just the model of the PS3 (I have the old, big ones that came out first) but I can play it on my brother's PS3 (Which is the most recent 5000MB PS3) I think it's a flaw. The last time that I've played it on my PS3 was probably around the 1.4 or 1.5 update.

      500 MB? My save files are almost that big, jk, but seriously, they make PS3s with that little memory?

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    • Pink Slim wrote: wrote: wrote:
      Ok, I have a major problem (unfortunately I bought Skyrim for PS3, haunts me to this day). Haven't played in a while, I did not update when 1.5 came, since I had read about the water bug. But yesterday I decided to start over in Skyrim so I updated to 1.9.. and now I can't start a new game. My PS3 freezes everytime I start a new one, at the exact same moment every time.. right after the horse thief on the wagon starts to panic because of Ulfric my PS3 just freezes, completely. Can't do anything.. what the hell is going on!?
      It happens on my PS3 too, right when I'm about to get executed. I personally think that it's just the model of the PS3 (I have the old, big ones that came out first) but I can play it on my brother's PS3 (Which is the most recent 5000MB PS3) I think it's a flaw. The last time that I've played it on my PS3 was probably around the 1.4 or 1.5 update.
      500 MB? My save files are almost that big, jk, but seriously, they make PS3s with that little memory?

      Sorry, 5000GB. My mistake.

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    • wrote:, I assume I delete the Skyrim Title Update file in my X-box hard drive?

      Yes but if you have any dlc uninstall that too or your game will freeze up at the start screen. it drove me crazy till i figured it out.

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    • I don't see what the problem with PS3 versions of the game is. I have been playing Skyrim since I got it last December, and I've only run into a few minor fixable glitches. Otherwise it runs beautifully.

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    • Trust me 76.138, It runs WAY better on the other systems.

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    • I have it on ps3 and it runs perfectly fine but a few bugs ... I just save, exit, re-enter and it's fine. I have had a endless camera bug were in 3rd person it was 1/3 closer than before and you couldn't see the characters legs but that's not a big deal .... Works fine for me I have the new 160gb ps3 (no such thing as 5000gb ps3) latest patch 1.9, newest ps3 OS

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    • wrote:
      I have it on ps3 and it runs perfectly fine but a few bugs ... I just save, exit, re-enter and it's fine. I have had a endless camera bug were in 3rd person it was 1/3 closer than before and you couldn't see the characters legs but that's not a big deal .... Works fine for me I have the new 160gb ps3 (no such thing as 5000gb ps3) latest patch 1.9, newest ps3 OS

      to fix the camera push and hold the right stick down, then move the left stick.

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    • So I haven't seen anyone discuss the issue i'm having, which makes me a bit scared. I can't change to Vampire Lord since this patch. It makes the noise when I try it, but no change occurs. Kinda defeats the purpose of an entire dlc. Any advice? Xbox btw.

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    • on my Xbox 360 version every time i load the save where your about to make your character, when Alduin attacks he justs randomly circles around never landing and no npcs say anything. It gets annoying because i have to start the game from the start and listen to the annoying cutscene thingy.

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    • DRock1042 wrote:
      I am level 55 and my exp is just crawling now. Anyone have any tips to level a little quicker?

      get yourself enchanting to level 100 by using the dawnstar chest and the enchanting table in the jarls house, and make Alteration spells cost nothing. Then cast telekinesis in one hand and detect life in the other, tie a rubber band around the controller and every 20 minutes Alteratio hits 100. legendary it over and over. If you dont want that bug, like me, do wall of flames/ frost or novice spells on shadow mere the same way

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    • whenever i try to start a new game, Alduin flies over the mountain and just keeps flying. He attacked everyone but General Tullius says nothing

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    • ReaperGrimm5594 wrote:
      A bug I have is that when I use a spell in one hand, my empty left hand is also raised. Game breaking? No. Annoying? Yes.

      Not a bug. It's Always been that way since the two hand system started so you can attack with either hand.

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    • I've had the bald spot bug with the Blackguard hood, too, but it only started showing up after I turned into a vampire. As a normal mer or a werewolf, it doesn't happen.

      - I can't even start the Illusion Ritual quest

      - Briar hearts are still marked as quest items

      - Lami from Morthal randomly disappeared

      - I can't start the miscellaneous quest to get Ysolda her mammoth tusk

      - I had some random bug a while back where I started spouting steam like the centurions (deleted that save cuz it annoyed the crap outa me)

      - Derkeethus still won't follow me out of the cave (unless I'm looking at him while leading him and remain within close proximity, but he still won't actually exit the cave)

      - I'll go to sleep in Tel Mithryn (steward's quarters) and be stuck with a permanent loading screen when I'm supposed to wake up (when I sleep for more than one hour, and the Dark Brotherhood questline is completed)

      - Alduin's been immortal when attempting to complete Alduin's Bane (happened a few times; I did manage to fix it, but I forget how)

      - Ysolda won't accept her ring, even though it's still marked as an objective

      - Sapphire won't accept the letter from her dad

      - Serana won't follow me again after I tell her to wait somewhere (prior to completing the Dawnguard questline)

      - The paralyze spell will cause characters to go through the floor (they do pop up again, but usually in a different spot) (not so much an annoying bug as much as it is flat out hilarious)

      I know I've encountered more, but I think I've listed more than enough.

      tl;dr Y SO BUGGY?

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    • The game is full of probs even before the patches - The patches solve some probs just to create more.

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    • So much has happened to Skyrim apperently since i started playing Oblivion. The only glitch I've been having with Skyrim since the patch was not being able to start Ysolda;s quest, and water not rendering making me see the bottom of lakes and stuff

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    • Guys can I delete the 1.9 patch if I bought the legendary edition?

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    • I have the PS3 version and I have strangely not been experiencing these bugs, but the water glitch is there.

      Also, there is a rare glitch I found where if you have 2 one-handed weapons equipped, draw them and then press circle and go to items, then equip a 2-handed weapon and then go back and go to map and fast travel. When you arrive sometimes you will have your one-handed weapons equipped and the 2-handed weapon will be floating in front of you and when you attack or block it copys you.

      I call it the Flying Weapon Glitch. You happy?

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    • Whenever I try to start a new account, my game glitches. The first time, it sends my person into the air (dead) and I can't do anything, then the loading screen with 'Level 1' keeps appearing over and over. And the times after that, I get stuck under the map and (somehow) I'm alive with Ralof, but I can see part of my body on the inside as if the camera were messed up. Normally, the guards in front of you and the horses - but when this happened to me, the horses were dead a little bit far away from me, and the guards were looking at me.

      Anyone know how to fix this? By the way, this is PS3 edition.

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    • I have the legendary edition on PS3 and I've noticed a lot of issues.

      1.) I had to start a new game 5 times due to various different game-breaking and quest-breaking issues.

      First time, a handful of NPCs immediately turned dead the very second I entered Solitude, forever preventing me from becoming thane.

      Second time, one of the main Dawnguard quests and Lost To The Ages refused to start, leaving me forever stuck with a broken questline.

      Third time (which was my fault though), I tried uninstalling and re-installing the DLCs to fix certain issues and both the Dawnguard and Dragonborn questlines became forever broken and I didn't even finish them.

      Fourth time, I could not become thane of Riften because the argonian lady I needed to speak to turned up dead a few days after I entered the city.

      I finally got a mostly flawless playthrough on my fifth start, with a few minor bugs.

      2.) And then there is the dreaded bloating save file issue that hinders the gameplay. I was at a 18mb save file and I decided to clear every location (respawnable and non-respawnable) and then waited 50+ days afterwards and my save file actually INCREASED to 20mb!

      3.) Another issue I've encountered was certain random encounters not ending properly. A lady searching for a lost piece of jewelry and 2 bandit thieves still remain on a hill outside Dawnstar. Along with several dead wolves and goats on a piece of ice outside Windhelm.

      4.) I've mentioned this in another thread, but the guards in some of the cities will never respawn if killed. I've noticed it in Dawnstar, Solitude, Markarth, and Whiterun.

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    • DRock1042 wrote:
      I am level 55 and my exp is just crawling now. Anyone have any tips to level a little quicker?

      The following method increases:

      Restoration, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, One Handed, Two Handed, Destruction, Blocking, Conjuration, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, Alteration

      -Make a good pair of armor and weapons by smithing and enchanting them. (they don't have to be good)

      -Find a crucial character (person who can't be killed) and piss them off.

      -If you don't get a bounty, they will attack you repeatedly.

      -Let them attack you while blocking, using restoration spells, attacking them, conjuring a buddy/weapon, attempt to sneak away, casting destruction spells, altering some magic armor, shoot them with a bow, make an arrow to the knee joke.

      -Legendary legendary legendary

      -Rinse and repeat until level 257 where you get all perks

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    • I have the Xbox version and I have only ever encountered 3 bugs. 1. The screen will go black when I exit Dragonscreach, and it will not load. It is just Dragonscreach, and doesn't happen every time. 2. Trainers won't actually train me, but still take my money. Again, doesn't happen every time. 3. The previously described water glitch, except it only happens with waterbreathing effect. (Tested, but I usually play as Argonians anyway, so.....) I have the legendary edition. Lucky or unlucky, and how do I fix them?

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    • I noticed that sometimes after using dragonrend, the dragon flies miles off and despawns.

      very annoying.

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Skyrim Undo Patch Crack

SkyrimVersion 1.9 was released on March 4, 2013 for Steam users and for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on April 8, 2013. [1] Version 1.9 of Skyrim adds a newLegendary difficulty setting, effectively removes the skill level cap of 100 and fixes a number of bugs. [2]

Here are the new features and bug fixes that can be found in Skyrim Version 1.9. [3]

Skyrim 1.9 Patch


  • Legendary difficulty setting
  • Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.
  • Bug fixes

Skyrim Undo Patch 1.9 Download


  • General memory and stability improvements
  • Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly
  • Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them
  • Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skiesshout during “The Throat of the World”
  • Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during “Alduin's Bane”
  • Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate”
  • Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage
  • Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly
  • Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels
  • Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
  • Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home
  • Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during “Battle for Whiterun”
  • Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during “Waking Nightmare”
  • Fixed issue where “Glory of the Undead” would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane
  • The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower
  • If player marries Aela, the “Totem of Hircine” quest will be available
  • Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing “The White Phial”
  • Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly
  • Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities
  • The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esbern's Potion
  • Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out
  • Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion
  • Gallus' Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild
  • In “No Stone Unturned” Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if you’ve collected them all before starting the quest
  • Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing “Toying with The Dead”
  • Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in “The Litany of Larceny”
  • Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired
  • Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing “A Blade in the Dark” properly
  • Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl
  • Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting “Trouble in Skyrim”
  • Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell
  • Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations
  • Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells
  • Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of “Diplomatic Immunity”
  • Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house
  • Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during “Ill Met By Moonlight”
  • The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handedperks
  • Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key
  • Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk
  • Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during “The Way of The Voice”
  • The Nord Hero Bow can now be improved
  • The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk
  • Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly
  • If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, “The Pale Lady” will start properly
  • Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start “The Cursed Tribe”
  • Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player
  • Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhet's Folly
  • Fixed rare instances where Arngeir would not teach Worldwind Sprint
  • Fixed issue with “Ill Met By Moonlight” if Sinding dies before the quest starts
  • Gharol can now properly train up to level 75
  • Fixed conflict with visiting The Karthspire before starting “Alduin’s Wall”
  • Reduced the instance of random dragon attacks after fast traveling post main quest
  • Recruited Blades now have appropriate dialogue while at Sky Haven Temple
  • Fixed rare issue where an incorrect dungeon could appear as a location during “Totems of Hircine”
  • Fixed rare instance in “Fetch me that Book” where books found before getting the quest would not be properly recognized
  • Fixed rare issue with traveling to Thalmor Embassy with companions during “Diplomatic Immunity”
  • Fixed issues with Matching Set perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
  • Fixed issues with Custom Fit perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
  • Fixed issue with NPC dying in a bear trap blocking progress in “Time of My Need”
  • Fixed rare issue with swinging door becoming stuck and blocking an entrance in Volunruud
  • Imperial Light Armor can now be crafted
  • Fixed issue with “Vald’s Debt” where Vald was not leveled properly
  • Fixed issue with Vilkas not giving proper greeting after completing “Battle for Whiterun”
  • Fixed issue with respawning actors that were raised by using the Ritual Stonepower
  • Fixed issue with the Ancient Knowledge perk not calculating properly
  • The Palace of Kings now has patrolling guards on upper floors
  • Reduce percentage chance of getting a werewolf loading screen while player is a werewolf
  • Pantea’s flute is no longer a quest item after completing “Pantea’s Flute”
  • Placing an unread Oghma Infinium on a bookshelf in the player’s house no longer allows the book to be reused again
  • Adjusted dialogue priority to improve chances of hearing more combat dialogue from certain NPC enemies
  • Fixed issue with falling damage on high difficulty levels
  • Fixed bad collision on certain clutter objects
  • Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat

With recent changes to Steam, you'll want to take the following steps to opt into the beta.

Within your Steam Library, right click on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

  • Select Properties
  • Select the Beta tab and opt in using the drop box
  • If you opt into the Beta, be sure to back up your saved games or simply be careful not to overwrite your existing saves. If you decide to opt out of the beta program, your old saves will still work with the current release of Skyrim on Steam (v 1.8).