Referencing New Dark Age, 2xLP, Album, Ltd, RE, RM, dust015, Dust015 Beautiful record - inside and out. Substantial nu-doom from England (West Yorkshire gloomers unite!). Brand New New Age & Easy Listening. Solstice – Solstice CD NEW. Reflections of The Solstice CD RARE OG on TURBO! Death doom metal.

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Beyond these mountains lay vistas of dread
Black sea of infinity herein they drift
Devolved as one atrophied architects
Cyclopean forms askew in the midst
(Of) seraphic decay, an unbeheld might
The arcane majesty a conqueror awaits
Captors of millennia cloaked in confusion
Cast ever out to the tides of time
Gathered in silent peripheral empires
(Of) dust choked oceans who sing their last
Vanquished voyagers of revelation
A brooding enigma yet still to pass
Sinistral gulfs yet may be crossed
To ophidian cowering citadels
Raptorial judgement upon all our sins
This placid island of ignorance
Black sea of infinity herein they drift
Devolved as one atrophied architects
Cyclopean forms askew in the midst
(Of) seraphic decay, an unbeheld might
The arcane majesty a conqueror awaits
Captors of millennia cloaked in confusion
Cast ever out to the tides of time
Gathered in silent peripheral empires
(Of) dust choked oceans who sing their last
Vanquished voyagers of revelation
A brooding enigma yet still to pass
Sinistral gulfs yet may be crossed
To ophidian cowering citadels
Raptorial judgement upon all our sins
This placid island of ignorance

Lyrics submitted by sokorny
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Solstice New Dark Age Cd
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