Healthy Eating > Make a balanced plate! Make a balanced plate! Teachers' Guide This is the main guide for healthy eating for children aged 5-8 years. Key Fact 1 Food is a basic requirement of life. Play this fun game to learn where different foods belong. Last review date:. Make a balanced plate! Do you know your food groups? Play this fun game to learn where different foods belong. Last review date:. Next reiview date. Browse by subject and age group. Make a Balanced Plate. Sort the foods on the plate to see which food groups they belong to. A short interactive quiz about food and healthy eating. It has excellent pictures and will reinforce learning about food groups. There is a scoring system and a facility for printing out your score.
Food Plate Game (pyramid) Grades: Kindergarten to 5th Grade Lesson Plan Summary: Make necklaces with food items written on index cards, then find appropriate place on the food plate to stand. This game is for elementary aged students. It is meant to familiarize them with the food plate. The 1 Great Plate Game makes finding and building MyPlate meal combinations fun! Players are challenged to construct a healthy, nutritionally balanced plate with a fruit, vegetable, grain, protein. Pork, chicken, or turkey, and eggs, nuts, beans, or tofu. Twice a week, make seafood the protein on your plate. Using heavy gravies or sauces will add fat and calories to otherwise healthy choices. Try steamed broccoli with a sprinkling of low-fat parmesan cheese or a squeeze of lemon.

Healthy Plate At Dodger Stadium

Healthy Plate For Kids
A healthy body needs nutrients (like vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates) for growth, development, energy, and running all of our body systems. Those nutrients should come mainly from the food you eat. Just as cars need gasoline to run, your body needs food to keep it going. But not just any food. To be your healthiest, and to look and feel your best, you need to give your body the right kinds and amounts of fuel.
It’s lunch time, you’re in the school cafeteria and you need to decide on a healthy meal!
Healthy Plate Portions
Just click on the best food items to see if you make good decisions.